Vitamins in Vegetable Quiz in Hindi - Set 1

Total Questions: 5
Time: 00 hr 30 min
Marks: 25
Description: Quick mock test on Vitamins in Vegetable with true false, multiple choice and select any one.

Friends, today I am going to give a very interesting information about vitamins found in vegetable. Hopefully you will love this. In this section will bring you small mock test of 5 questions that you can review just after submitting test.

Instruction Answer all Vitamins in Vegetable related Questions. No negative marketing.

This Quiz contains following related topics:
  • Vitamins in Vegetables GK Quiz
  1. विटामिन ए किन किन सब्जियों में पाये जाते है ?
  2. विटामिन K किन किन सब्जियों में पाये जाते है ?
  3. विटामिन B6 किन किन सब्जियों में पाये जाते है ?
  4. विटामिन बी किन् सब्जिओ में पाये जाते है?
  5. कौन से सब्जी में विटामिन ए बी सी तीनो होते है?

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